Originally posted on Foundations for Competitiveness and Growth (FCG) - View original post

Under the Jamaica Business Fund (JBF) grant program, supported by the Development Bank of Jamaica, the Government of Jamaica, and the World Bank, participating supply chain members benefit from capacity building initiatives among other things. These initiatives include workshops or in-field training sessions, and have been a common feature of the project of implementation. Featured below are site visits to Sandals Foundation supply chain member, Frazer’s Ceramics, other anchor firms such as Unicomer for their business strategy workshop, Caribbean Broilers, Spur Tree Spices for in-field training and crop inspection, along with Jamaica Coffee Corporation’s agronomic training session with coffee farmers.
Support was also provided by the artisanal coordinator from the Sandals Foundation. A common feature for all products is that they are handcrafted and developed specifically for the local tourist/craft market. A walkthrough of the general production process flow was also completed. In attendance was Headley Frazer- Owner, Christine Reid- Production Manager, Maxine Harris- Consultant Project Manager – Sandals Foundation and, Grant Project Manager (JBF) Latoya Lewis.
Unicomer Jamaica Limited hosted international consultant Anthony Breslin, who made presentations and conducted site visits to several participants. They benefitted further from workflow design for their workshop spaces; advice on inventory, pricing and managing orders. Through the interaction with the international consultant, several supply chain members were able to procure external export orders.
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