Originally posted on Foundations for Competitiveness and Growth (FCG) - View original post

Recently, Jamaica Business Fund grant beneficiaries, Sam Lachet Distributors, were highlighted in a Loop News feature, entitled "Young People in Business". See excerpts from the interview below.
Samantha and Najeeb Azan are celebrating arguably their greatest achievements as business owners yet – a deal to export their locally-made products.
The Azans are the owners of Sam’s Lechet Distributors who, under the brand, New Moon Furnishings, produce vintage-inspired, natural finish, wooden patio sets, kitchen cabinetry, dining tables and chairs to consumers all across Jamaica.
New Moon also supplies 90 percent of its products to Unicomer, the operators of Courts.
The company recently procured its first export order to the United States of over 400 chairs for a hotel in South Carolina, which was facilitated by the Development Bank of Jamaica-led Jamaica Business Fund and Unicomer.
“This is a major achievement for us, I see this, our first export as the start of our entry into the US and other markets,” Najeeb said.
New Moon Furnishings lands US export contract